• big scary Otto

    We will increase your sales.

    Do you have a great product and great sales people and still can't get enough sales? You just need more leads.
    We will find and attract those leads to make sure your sales people are busy closing business all the time.

    Find Out How
  • big scary Otto

    We will find you more leads.

    We will find the people interested in your product or service and make sure they find you so interesting they will create a feeding frenzy trying to talk to you.

    Find Out How
  • big scary Otto

    Want a free digital marketing review?

    Not sure if you are getting the most bang for your buck?
    Or even if you aren't marketing on-line maybe its time you started. We will give your business a free digital marketing review so you can find out how to get more leads.

    Sign up now

It's not magic, just a common sense plan and real execution.

We are not going to talk to you about re-branding or any of that other fancy stuff. We just want to help you get more sales. Plain and Simple.

Google Adwords


Our experience with Google Adwords gives us the expertise to create and manage your campaign efficiently and successfully. No wasted spending and no crappy leads.

Web Conversions


We create better content and use the best web tools to enhance your ability to attract prospects and get them interested in your products or services.

Lead Management


You need a simple and efficient lead management system. What you don't need is your sales people filling out spreadsheets or even worse paper forms, when they should be closing business.

Email Marketing


Not all prospects are going to close right away and no one has time to constantly call and follow up hoping that their timing is right to make the sale. We will ensure that you are always top of mind when your prospects are ready to buy.

We have a plan, do you?

You need an on-line marketing plan to be successful. We will help you build one that works for your business and within your budget.

  • iPad Otto
  • iPhone Otto
  • Mac Otto

Our on-line viewing habits are changing, is your marketing keeping up?

Today only about 40% of web viewing is on a desktop computer. You need to be targeting your marketing not just to interested prospects, but to interested prospects on the devices they are using.

Target, Target and Target again

Throwing darts is not a plan, and just wanting more sales is not enough. You need to know where your prospects are, what they are looking for and how to reach them. We have the research tools to find your prospects and experience to deliver the content they want to see.

  • don't throw darts
  • happy Otto

Lead Management Systems

Getting a ton of leads is not enough. You need an easy to use system to maximize your closing rate and ensure that no prospect falls through the cracks. We work with many of the industry leaders and will find the right tools for you and help you implement them successfully.


Not sure about AdWords yet? Sign up here for $300 in advertising credit when you spend $100 in your first month

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Ready for your free digital marketing assessment?

Just tell us a bit about you and your business and we will contact you to discuss
how we can help you get more leads and more sales.

Thanks, talk to you soon

Got Questions? Good, because we've got answers.

 What does all this cost?

That depends on you. We will provide a free no obligation review of your on-line marketing initiatives and working within your budget we will come up with a plan that will work for you.

 How am I billed?

All of our marketing initiatives are billed on a monthly basis. Adwords for example is managed on a daily spend and billed monthly.

 Do I get reports?

Of course you do, you can't manage what you can't measure. Every month you will receive detailed reporting on each on-line marketing channel we are managing for you.

 Am I locked in?

Nope, never. There are no contracts to sign and you can cancel our engagement at any time. Though we don't think you will want to.

 Is there a trial period?

Nope, there is no trial period. Our on-line marketing review is free however. If you decide not to move forward with us, that is yours to keep.

 Why the shark logo?

Otto, as we like to call him, was chosen for his ruthless pursuit of food (sales and leads), he never sleeps and we think he is cute.

Some of the fun people we have had a chance to work with

"So many more customers, thanks guys."
"Happy to work with people that get it"
"Sales are way up, thank you so much"
"You guys rock!"